Monday, June 8, 2009

Birthing a Blog

This is my first blogging experience.
I feel hesitant, yet excited.
I feel wary, yet overflowing.
I want to talk about pregnancy as a creative enterprise, as a time of fallowness, as a challenge to life as it is known. I want to talk about birth as a dance, birth as transformation, and birth as healing. I want to talk about new babies and new families and new relationships and the potential and promise this holds.
I want to talk about the body and how it has evolved to birth big brained babies from the pelvis of an upright, bipedal woman. I want to talk about the placenta and how it is self and not-self. I want to talk about stretching and folding and anchoring and bending and becoming through the process of pregnancy and birth.
I want to talk of idealism and reality and how there need not be a cruel interface.
I want to talk of how we are all born through birth. Not once, but many times over. The witnessing of a birth, the hearing of a birth, the knowing of a birth reminds us of where we came from . . . and where we can go.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying what you wrote already! I had to join...You started your first paragraph on our daughter's bday!!! Yesterday, I was flooded by my memories of her birth, the shared experience, the magical moment, the reality...and here you are with your eloquence...thank you!
